Winter Genealogy Class: "Time to Start on Your Geneaology"
Dates:       February 26, 2018 (final class)
Time:         10:00 am to 12:00 Noon

Location:   Center 50+, 2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem
Contact:    Alvin Scott, (503)588-6303 
Insructor:  Liz Tice, WVGS Member
Cost:          $30

The class is limited to 12 students plus 3 with their own laptops. You can register in the Computer Lab at the Center 50+. Basic computer skills are needed.

The class covers the basics of genealogy, how to get started, making a Beginner’s Plan, the basics of DNA testing for genealogy and genealogy topics A-K (The June class will continue with topics L to Z).